Day Fifteen – Walk around Paris

10 Sep 2018

Alyssa arrived this morning around 11am. She had been up since 4am. After a short rest, we decided to explore Paris. Alyssa has been here many times before so we let her lead the way. We wanted to walk along Canal St Martin. We took the train to a what seemed like the ugly part along the canal and decided to walk along the banks.

Alyssa and Dianne on bridge over the canal

We had lunch after the canal walk and then decided to head into the city to explore the Conciergerie.

Palais de Justice de Paris. A brand new courthouse has been built now on the outskirts of Paris.
Notre Dame Paris - a bit busy on this day. Alyssa and I made the climb up the tower in 2001.
Inside Conciergerie (Prison)
Inside Sainte-Chapelle (Royal Chapel). Main panel behind shrine themed 'The Passion of Christ'.
Window in Sainte-Chapelle
Door at Sainte-Chapelle. 'The Apocalypse of St John".
Conciergerie along Sienne