Day Five – Trip To Kandy

24 August 2019

We were greeted this morning by macaques feeding just off our balcony. It seems that one of the occupants of our neighbouring room has been handing out fruit.

Macaque family feeding
Macaque engrossed with a banana peel

We leave Dambulla for Kandy this morning. It will be a 2 1/2 hour drive. The hotel we stayed in here, Heritance Kandalama is quite spectacular. We will make a couple of stops along the way to check out wood carving towns and also the town of Matale. It is clear and sunny day today.

View today across the plain with buffalos along the edge of lake
Main Street, Matale. Typical scene of major towns along route.
Queen's Hotel, Kandy built in 1860
Palace precinct in Kandy across the lake
Main path to Tooth Relic Temple in Kandy
Inner sanctum of Tooth Relic Temple where Buddha's tooth is stored.
Upstairs worship hall at temple
Offering Table at Tooth Relic Temple
Ornate woodwork on eaves of Tooth Relic Temple (15th century)
Another view of intricate ornate woodwork on eaves of temple
New ornate canopy protecting old structure
Magul Maduwa (Audience Hall) of Kandian Palace (18th century). This is where in 1815, the British forceably made the Kandian King handover his domain, thus ending 2500 years of sovereignty.
Inside of Royal Audience Hall
The Royal Couple
Royal elephant Raju preserved and honoured for loyal services to the temple. The elephant died in 1988.
Royal Palace in Kandy. The king had a good view of the city from his living quarters.
View from palace to two other temples.
Palace compound
Evening view from hotel
View across over Kandy