Tag Archives: Colombo

Scenes from Colombo

Day Seventeen – Last Day in Colombo

Tuesday 16 February 2016

This was our last full day in Colombo.  We were leaving at different times to different destinations.  All of us were leaving tomorrow.  Charles and I were heading to Singapore on a 1:10 am flight which means we would be picked up around 9:30pm today.  Sangaran’s flight to Kuala Lumpur is at 1:00 pm.  Logan and Vasantha’s flight to Chennai is at 1:30pm.  Finally, Susie and Shantini’s flight to Kuala Lumpur is at 11:00 pm.  Transport has been arranged to take the various parties to the airport.

Today, Susie and I were keen to get to the departmental store called Barefoot.  I went to the store the last time I was here in 2013 and wanted to make a visit before I left the country but did not make it.  This time I was keen to buy some presents to take home.  The store had everything Sri Lankan, from books and handicrafts to material and clothes.  It is vibrant and different.  There is also a good restaurant attached to the store.  Shantini decided to come with us to have a look.  We decided to walk to the store.  It was not too far and took us about an hour.  We spent some time shopping.  I bought a few items to take home.  Susie did the same.  Shantini who came with us to just have a look, bought half the shop.  Susie and I retreated to the restaurant to have some refreshments while we waited for Shantini.  We had lunch at the restaurant.

Susie and I decided to walk back.  This was not feasible in Shantini’s case.  We loaded her and her shopping onto a tuk-tuk to take her back to the apartment.  We got back to the apartment and rested a bit.  We decided to meet Logan and Vasantha for a catch up and dinner.  We came back to the apartment early so that Charles and I could do a final pack of our bags.  Siraj and Shanta who were in Colombo dropped in to see us and also extend their condolences to me.  Shanta knew my mother from all those years ago in Malaysia.

Before long, Charles and I were picked up for the airport.  Colombo airport is very confusing and lacks order.  So some patience was required.  We cleared formalities and soon we were on the air side ready to board our plane.  Another memorable trip comes to an end but it would not be my last.  Jagath is keen for me to bring my family over.  Dianne needs some convincing as she is not a fan of hot weather.  On the other hand, Alyssa is very keen.

Day Sixteen – Back to Colombo

Monday 15 February 2016

We leave Jaffna today for Colombo. The train departs Jaffna at 1:42pm and arrive in Colombo at 8:00pm.  I have organised our driver for the last few days, Ria, to take us to the Jaffna Railway Station.  At the other end in Colombo, I will need to confirm with Jagath while on the train about our transport from Colombo Railway Station to our accomodation.  I know Jagath will come good.

Our morning was relaxed.  We were mostly packed except for a few items.  We had a leisurely breakfast and headed back to our rooms.  Just before 12 noon,  Sangaran got a call from his sister informing him that my mother had passed away in Singapore.  This was a sad end to the trip however I felt that my mother’s death was not unexpected.  I heard my mother was not in good health of late and I just resigned to the fact that it was her time.  I shared the news with the rest in the group.  I could not do much at this stage as we needed to check out of the hotel and get to the station.  Logan had generously volunteered to look after the final financial matters as I needed to make a few phone calls.

Ria met us at the hotel at noon.  We packed the van and headed to the station, well ahead of time.  Better to be early than late.  Many things went through my mind while waiting for the train but I was also figuring a way to change my flight to get to Singapore for the funeral. I had a flight booked with Charles to fly out of Colombo at 1:10am on the 17th Feb.  The flight would arrive in Singapore at 7:40am.  I however felt that the funeral might take place on the 16th.

The train was slightly late.  We boarded the train and stacked our suitcases as before without much trouble.

On the platform at Jaffna Railway Station look North
Train arriving
Looking south towards the head of the train

After a 10 minute wait we were on our way.  The smoothness of the ride was going to be in reverse now.  It will be smooth out of Jaffna and then rocky towards Colombo.  When we were about an hour or so on the train, I tried calling Singapore Airlines to change my flight.  Communication on the mobile phone was tricky while on the train.  After several attempts and speaking to a few people, I was told the earlier flight was full.   A bit later I was able to get Jagath who had confirmed that transport had been arranged to pick us up from the railway station.  Jagath was on tour with another group and therefore could not meet us in Colombo himself.

In Colombo we were booked for 2 nights at Tiesh by Lakmini.  It is an apartment block above a jewellery shop and the owners of the shop were also owners of the apartments above.  It is a new building.  We were booked into a 3  bedroom apartment.  The apartment is modern with modern facilities.  It was big difference to what we were staying at in Jaffna.  Logan and Vasantha were back staying at the Sea View Hotel.  A few in the group went out to get some food.  After dinner we all headed for bed.

Day Nine – Train Trip to Jaffna

Monday 8 Feb 2016

We got up at some insane hour to catch the 5:35am train to Jaffna.  Transport was organised to take us to Colombo Station.  The hotel made breakfast boxes for us to take on the trip.  We were ready and waiting for our transport in the hotel lobby.  The morning outside the hotel was eerily quiet.  The hotel is in a very busy part of Colombo during the day.

Front of Grand Oriental Hotel in the early morning
Side street beside the hotel in the early morning
Colombo Port Administration Building (opposite the hotel)

Transport came on time and we were at the station a little after 5am.  We booked first class seats for our trip to Jaffna.  This means we got slightly more comfortable seats and an air-conditioned carriage.  The heat can be oppressive at times.  After a 30 minute wait, the train arrived.  There were others we knew who were going to be on the train to Jaffna.  It was scramble, though not a mad one, to get onboard.  Our seats were close to the exit doors and so this made it easier to move our bags into position.  Most of the bags were place behind the first row of seats.  There was enough room to stack up the large ones.  The smaller ones were placed on the overhead rack.  We settled back on the train to have a bit of a breather.  Before long, the train was on its way.  Charles walked through the carriage into the next one and managed to tracked down Jeeva and Shanta.  Jeeva had organised transport at the Jaffna end to take us to the our hotel.  We will be staying at the same hotel as our 2013 trip.  The Pillaiyar Inn is not salubrious but adequate and in a convenient location in Jaffna.

The trip out of Colombo was a rocky one.  The tracks were in good need of a realignment.  The carriages were rocking from left to right and back again.  Looking down the carriage into the next carriage through the separating glass door, we could see the extend of the tilt from left to right in the next carriage.  The rocking was therapeutic I must say.  My back got a good massage.  However, if you needed to answer the call of nature, it could be tricky and quite ugly.

Nearer Jaffna, the ride was smoother.  The tracks were newly laid here after the war.  The project was sponsored by the Indian Government and the start of services to Jaffna was celebrated with huge fanfare.  The train arrived in Jaffna at midday and on time.  We waited for short while for our transport to arrive.  The van was not quite what Jeeva was expecting.  It was smaller and could not accomodate all of us.  Therefore, 2 trips were organised.  All of us got the hotel without much issues for lunch and a good rest.  The rooms were all meant to be of the same standard but they all had variable quality.  Some were granite tiled whereas others had old carpet.  The most important thing is that the air-conditioning worked and we had place to rest.  The hotel was reasonably clean the ‘butler’ attached to us is very helpful.  The same guys were here when I came 3 years ago.  It was nice to see familiar faces.  Sangaran, Charles and I were in one 5 person room, Susie and Shantini were in one 3 person room and Logan and Vasantha were in a double room.

Day Eight – Back to Colombo

Sunday 7 Feb 2016

We woke up at a leisurely time and had a relaxed breakfast at our hotel in Mirissa.  The food here is reasonable but we were spoilt at other places.  We were visited by some cute puppies that decided to sleep at our feet as we had breakfast.

After breakfast we packed up and were on the road again for a short trip to Galle.  I have been here before in 2013.  It was still interesting to visit this place again.  It is rich in history.

Clock Tower at Galle Fort
Rampart at Galle Fort
Wall of fort towards the ocean
Wall of fort towards the ocean
Outside perimeter of fort
Zwart Bastion
Lighthouse at Point Utrecht Bastion
Tunnel underneath rampart

After Galle, we had lunch as a restaurant that was off the main road to Colombo and by the ocean.  It was a popular place and the food was good.  Following lunch, we dropped off two in the group to Bawa House, the residence of the late Geoffrey Bawa who was the most influential architect on the island.  His house is like a museum with long flowing gardens.  The rest of us went to Bentota Beach to relax and take in the views.  This beach has pristine white sands.

Hotel at Bentota Beach
Bentota Beach
Bentota Beach looking towards Colombo
Another view of hotel at Bentota Beach

We arrived in Colombo in the early part of the evening and checked into the Grand Oriental Hotel.  Our guide Jagath booked this hotel as it was close to the Colombo Railway Station.  Our train to Jaffna the next morning departs Colombo at 5:35am.  The hotel was once the residence of the Dutch Governor and also became military barracks.  It became a hotel in 1870.  That evening Susie and I met her friend whom we had missed in Batticaloa.  He ran the orphanage there.  We retired early as we had an even earlier start the next day.

Day Seven – Trip to Kataragama

Saturday 6 Feb 2016

We woke up in the morning at Tissa to the sounds of peacocks and other animals in the background.  The place we were staying at Tissa seemed like it was in the middle of the jungle.  It was a beautiful setting.

View from balcony outside room
View from hotel

After breakfast, we packed and were ready for our short trip to Kataragama.  Kataragama is a remote religious town that is sacred to the Buddhists,Hindus and Muslims.  Pilgrims come from all over Sri Lanka and beyond.  The shrines are dedicated to the god Kataragama.

Pilgrims on the way to the temple washing themselves in the river nearby
Main entrance into religious precinct
The monkeys in the area seem quite at home

The monkeys in the precinct area are quite tame and fed by the pilgrims.  We go past a mosque and a Shiva shrine.  A short distance later we come to the Maha Devale, the main shrine for Kataragama.

Maha Devale
Priest entering the Maha Devale for morning Pooja

Beyond Maha Devale, about 500m down the road is the Buddhist shrine, Kiri Vihara.

On the way to Kiri Vihara
Kiri Vihara

There were elephants with the mahouts along the roadway leading up to Kiri Vihara.  The pilgrims seek blessing from the elephants.

Elephant with her mahout
Majestic male elephant

Looking down the roadway filled with pilgrims from Kiri Vihara
Pilgrim going underneath elephant to seek blessing
The classic pose

After about 3 hours or so at Kataragama, we were back in our van on our way to our next overnight stop in Mirissa.  Mirissa is on the south coast of Sri Lanka and the area is unspoilt.

Beach outside hotel in Mirissa
View from front courtyard of hotel
View from balcony outside room

We lazed around for much of the afternoon.  Some of us went for a refreshing swim.

Day Two – In Colombo

Monday 1 Feb 2016 

We had a good nights rest though I did not sleep for long.  At 6am in the morning the tooting of the traffic horn had started.  Jagath came to pick us up at 10:30am.

Outside the Apartment in Colombo
The Rockwood Apartments in Colombo

Our apartment is reasonably comfortable.  It is on the 6th floor and there is access to the rooftop.  It has 3 bedrooms with double single beds.  It has basic amenities with air-conditioning (very important).  I booked the apartment through AirBnB.

Sangaran and I have an appointment with our lawyers in Colombo this morning on a private matter.  The rest of the group went to visit an old Dutch church in Colombo.  Jagath dropped Sangaran and myself at the lawyer’s office. We were picked up later for lunch with the rest of the group at the Green Room for some local food.  We retreated back to the apartment to avoid the afternoon Colombo traffic.  The driver and the guide wanted to retire for the day before they got stuck in traffic.  There was going to be plenty of driving tomorrow.

Sangaran and I were having dinner with our friend Faizer in Colombo.   Dinner was at a hotel in the city.  Charles was coming with us.  We decided to walk to our appointment.  It was about 4.5km walk. The walk took us about 1.5 hours.  I used the GPS on my phone to get to our destination.  Needless to say it drained the battery towards the end.

It was a great way to see Colombo.  Although it was cooler, it was a humid night.  We left at 6pm and arrived at our destination at 7:30pm on the dot for our dinner appointment.

Uga House – An exclusive hotel in Colombo
Colombo Coroners Court – Moorish Architecture
Colombo City Hall

Day One – Flight to Sri Lanka

Sunday 31 Jan 2016

At Sydney Airport

The  flight into Singapore was great.  We were fed well by SIA.  The flight wasn’t full so there was plenty of room to stretch.  I watched 3 movies; Spectre, The Intern and the Man from UNCLE.  We had a 3 hour layover in Singapore before our connecting flight to Colombo.  Logan and Vasantha joined us in Singapore for the flight to Colombo.  Charles and I met them in the transit area.

We got into Colombo at 12:10am and then into our apartment at the Rockwood Apartments at 2:30am. We had to drop of Logan and Vasantha at their hotel, Sea View Hotel first.  We were tired but it took a while before we got to bed.  Susie had got up to greet us.  In the morning we will be picked up by our guide Jagath for a tour of Colombo.  Sangaran and I have a separate appointment at noon.

Day Four – In Colombo

 4 April 2013

Today was a whole day in Colombo. We took an early morning walk. It was hazy this morning. Some rain came later. We examined the hotel from outside and admired the ocean walk.




My cousin Lakshmi arrived from Kuala Lumpur in the early morning. She is staying at the same hotel. We met for breakfast at 8:30am. Then we met a friend of Lakshmi, Faisal, who is a gem dealer. He gave us some finer points of gem buying and what to look for. The we proceeded to go around Colombo on a shopping trip. We went to a huge shop, Laksala which sold local products. We are coming back here to buy souvenirs for the trip back after going north. Then we went to another large shop called Ranjanas to buy our traditional white attire for the temples that we will be visiting in the north. They are very strict in the north with attire. We went to a few other shops including Bear Foot which is quite unique. The shop is in a traditional house with a courtyard that has a bar and restaurant. Inside, it houses a bookshop, homewares, clothing, home decorations and the like. Coming back here again after Jaffna. We had to meet someone who was making a delivery by some railway line. The trains passing by were packed.


We then proceeded to do a tour of Colombo including Independence Square, where the British handed Ceylon it’s independence.




Arrived in Colombo


We left Sydney at 12:30pm. Few issues at security check. I had a water bottle with water. Got pulled over and made to empty bottle. Then we were were set. It is now 2am in Colombo. We are at the Galle Face Hotel (GFH) feeling a bit worn out. We had a 7.5 hour flight to Singapore on an A380. We were met at the airport by my school mate Logan, his wife Vasantha and friend David. We had a sumptuous dinner at Changi Village.


We were dropped off at the airport to catch a 11:05pm flight from Singapore to Colombo. The flight to Colombo was about 3.5 hours. We were met at the airport here by Jagath who is a driver/guide attached to the hotel. Tomorrow we will start our tour with Kandy.