Tag Archives: Sydney

Day One – Flight to Sri Lanka

Sunday 31 Jan 2016

At Sydney Airport

The  flight into Singapore was great.  We were fed well by SIA.  The flight wasn’t full so there was plenty of room to stretch.  I watched 3 movies; Spectre, The Intern and the Man from UNCLE.  We had a 3 hour layover in Singapore before our connecting flight to Colombo.  Logan and Vasantha joined us in Singapore for the flight to Colombo.  Charles and I met them in the transit area.

We got into Colombo at 12:10am and then into our apartment at the Rockwood Apartments at 2:30am. We had to drop of Logan and Vasantha at their hotel, Sea View Hotel first.  We were tired but it took a while before we got to bed.  Susie had got up to greet us.  In the morning we will be picked up by our guide Jagath for a tour of Colombo.  Sangaran and I have a separate appointment at noon.